The Word of God

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The empire of Caesar is gone; the legions of Rome are smoldering in the dust; the avalanches that Napoleon hurled upon Europe have melted away; the prince of the Pharaohs is fallen; the pyramids they raised to be their tombs are sinking every day in the desert sands; Tyre is a rock for bleaching fisherman’s nets; Sidon has scarcely left a wreck behind; but the Word of God still survives. All things that threatened to extinguish it have only aided it; and it proves every day how transient is the noblest monument that men can build, how enduring is the least word that God has spoken. Albert Baird Cummins

There would not be a WalkWithGod were it not for His Word—Jesus, the Word of God. The Word was there in the beginning (John 1:1) and it is certainly the foundation of anything God is doing today. It truly is our owner’s manual and there is not anything in our life that it does not cover. But like any manual, it must first be read and understood before it can be of any value to the person holding it. Too often, however, it just sits on a coffee table in plain sight for all to see and to gather dust.

God’s Word is all around us, and when we reflect on the detail within it, we cannot help but be awed at His plan. His Word is everywhere we look to open our thinking, challenge ourselves to go deeper, change us, draw us closer and closer to Jesus, and slowly conform us into His image (Rom 8:29).

If you are not a student of the Word, let me urge you to become one. Within the Bible are all the answers that you will ever need in this life to prepare you for heaven. God has given you the Holy Spirit to call on to help with the parts you do not understand.

Here is a concept I drew out of the back of one of my Bibles—there really is something else in there besides the maps—The Seven Editions of God’s Word.

  1. Written on Nature
  2. Written on our Conscience
  3. Written on Tablets of Stone
  4. The Entire Scriptures
  5. Christ the Illustrated Edition
  6. Written on the Heart
  7. The Living Epistles

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