I want to take a few moments and look at one of the most important aspects of our Walk With God; making Jesus Lord of All. Many come to Him seeking salvation but little realize that in so doing they, by definition, are agreeing to make Him Lord of All. By faith we receive Him as “Lord” and “Saviour” but for many the title of Lord is in name only.
Lordship is an all or nothing proposition. God will not share us with anyone or something else, especially ourselves. Strangely enough I think God is more jealous of that than anything else. Look at all the times He became angry with the Jews. It almost always involved them sharing their affections with someone or something other than God. My mind keeps coming back to that simple little phrase — if he isn’t Lord of all he isn’t Lord at all.
There was a saying hanging in the ready room when I went through Top Gun that we saw every time we went out for a flight that summed up air-to-air combat in five simple words.
No Points For Second Place
If you didn’t “do” what you were taught you were going to lose, and to lose meant not coming home. We need to have that kind of attitude where Jesus is concerned. He has not passed on the instructions of the Father without reason. Our very foundations depend upon them and our heeding their instruction. We need to follow Him every day and trust Him to reveal that part of His will we require to get us through the day. If we will listen and “do” what He asks then we can be assured that He is Lord of All. We are more important to Him than we can ever imagine and our walk through this world together with Him is His number one priority for each of us.
What is the Will of God for your life?
The will of God is not like a magic package let down from heaven by a string. The will of God is far more like a scroll that unrolls every day. The will of God is something to be discerned and to be lived out every day of our lives. It is not something to be grasped as a package once for all. Our call, therefore, is basically not to follow a plan or a blueprint, or to go to a place or take up a work, but rather to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul Little
Like I have always said … it’s day-by-day.
These thoughts are from an update I published in 2009 that looks at the subject in more detail …