It’s In The Stars

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273 - ConstellationsAs many of you know, the Lord introduced me to Enoch many years ago and has used his life to challenge and lead me in delivering the message He has given me for His bride. In fact, my most recent book series carries his name; The Way of Enoch.  And while we don’t know a lot about his life, there is mention of him in several places in the Bible. As I was reviewing his book this morning I was reminded of just how deeply the plans of the enemy go in attempting to pervert everything God has created.

The Book of Enoch is arguably the oldest book ever written; dozens of fragments were discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls. And while it was not included in the inspired writings encompassed in the Bible, it nevertheless provides us with some incredible insight to the mystery of God’s plan for us. Over the years this book has been both revered and scorned by many as there are sections of the book that clearly were added by some scribe or rabbi down through the ages. But setting those aside, when you read the book you cannot miss the fact that there were mysteries concerning the future that were revealed to Enoch. I just want to touch on one part that once again stirred me up to praise our Lord for His incredible attention to detail in creating His plan for mankind; for you and me.

Here is something for you to think about this week as we head into the fall season and the nights are clear and the stars look like you could reach out and touch them. Here is a short piece from Enoch Chapter 43:

43:1, 3-4 And again I saw lightning, and the stars of heaven, and  I saw how he called them all by their names, and they heard him… 3 And I asked the angel, who went with me, who showed me what was secret: “What are these?” 4 And he said to me: “The Lord of the spirits ha showed thee a picture of them: these are the names of the just, who dwell on the earth and believe on the name of the Lord the spirits to all eternity.” 

Twelve in the Bible is an interesting number, it is God’s governmental number. Just as seven (perfection) is three (divine number; trinity) plus four (God’s creation). Twelve is three time four, which equals the “divine” multiplied on the “earth;” it always speaks of God’s rule here on earth and He always uses it in setting up government; twelve patriarchs, twelve tribes of Israel, twelve apostles, twelve gates to the holy city, etc.

Many who have studied The Book of Enoch have come to the same conclusion; Enoch was referring to the twelve constellations and the prophetic picture (the secret). I was struck the first time I saw the prophetic picture that God has painted in His constellations that reveal the gospel to us and it never ceases to amaze me how He has presented Himself to us in every imaginable way. They paint a picture of the entirety of the New Testament from Bethlehem to Jesus’ Second Coming. We need to remember that God’s plan was revealed to us in the very beginning, in the Garden of Eden, and He has continued to reveal it to us down through the years. No matter what your view of The Book of Enoch, there are many revelations received by Enoch that have clearly pointed to our prophetic future. I want to share with you twelve key pieces of God’s plan that He has shown us in the stars, the same twelve signs He showed Enoch:

1. Virgo… The virgin bring forth the Son of God.
2. Libra… The Son of God prays the price of our sins as seen in the scales of justice.
3. Scorpio…  The scorpion, once portrayed as a serpent, shows the battle between Christ and Satan.
4. Sagittarius… Christ as the archer aims at the heart of Scorpio.
5. Capricorn… Half goat and half fish; Christ is seen as the dying head of the sacrificial goat on the Day of Atonement (scapegoat), out of whom emerges the bride of Christ as seen in the tail of the fish.
6. Aquarius… Pouring water on a fish. At Pentecost the Holy Spirit was poured out on believers.
7. Pisces… The two fish represent the bride of Christ, believers from both the Old and New Testaments; joined at the Cross.
8. Aries… The beginning of the Dispensation of Grace; Christ as the sacrificial lamb.
9. Taurus… The end of the Dispensation of Grace; Christ as the returning judge.
10. Gemini… Once see as a bride and groom (twins); at the beginning of judgment the groom will takeaway His bride.
11. Cancer… The crab sheds its skin to emerge anew; the bride receives her new body.
12. Leo… The Lion of the Tribe of Judah pounces on Hydra (the many-headed beast of Revelation), while the bowls of wrath (Crater         constellation; Latin for “cup”) are poured out upon the beast  and eats its flesh (Corvus; Latin for “raven or crow”).

Let me close with a quote from J.R. Church for all of us to ponder this week:

This is the story of the Dispensation of Grace as seen in the stars. The story began with Virgo in September, which according to Revelation 12, dates the birth of Christ on Rosh Hashna [Tishri 1; first month of the Jewish calendar]. Each month a succeeding constellation would appear on the Eastern horizon at sunrise until the entire story was told over 12 months time. The drama was accentuated by seasonal lightning… the spring storms dramatized the sacrifice of the Lamb of God as seen at the sun-rising in Aries on the morning of Passover in Bible days. The autumn storms dramatize the events of the Tribulation Period, as seen in Leo, which this generation sees in the sun rising in Leo in September, and climaxing with the glorious appearing of Christ at His Second Advent. 

Is it any wonder that Satan has perverted this message; God’s message that is revealed to us every night, just before we go to bed! And how many of the bride of Christ have fallen for Satan’s subtle perversion? Far too many I suspect, as they foolishly open the morning paper to read their horoscope, allowing God’s gift of “astronomy” that reveals His message to be replaced with Satan’s ploy of “astrology.” And that, as it has from the beginning, leads to the worship of idols… Satan’s endgame!

Go out tonight and look up to heavens and let the Lord renew your faith in His eternal message, the Gospel of Christ that has given you new life. Yes, God is not dead, He is alive and reminds us of His faithful promise each and every night that He will be with us and we will be with Him for all eternity. Want to share the gospel with someone? Take them outside and let them read it in the stars, not in the morning paper.