
Phil 3:10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; KJV

To know, as used here, is the word ginosko, which we generally understand to mean to have knowledge of, perceive, understand, and be sure of. But there is a meaning that deepens our understanding … to allow.

Our calling as Jesus’ bride is to know Him, and to accomplish that we have to “allow” the Holy Spirit to reveal Him as we walk through life; reveal Him in every circumstance, every challenge, every trial, every blessing. There are no circumstances in our life that are not either caused by or allowed by God. And in each one there is an opportunity to “allow” the Holy Spirit to grow our knowledge of Him.

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in “what is happening” that we miss what the Spirit is revealing to us. And isn’t it true that He never moves ahead until we understand (have knowledge of) what we are going through and why. He is determined that we realize Jesus in every part of  our life, and He will keep bringing us back to the same point again and again until we get it.

We need to “know” Jesus, to “realize” Him in whatever we are experiencing in this life. The Holy Spirit is constantly teaching us, challenging us and revealing our bridegroom to us. It was the same for Jesus. He realized the Father in even the most most menial work of washing feet.

Our goal in this life should be that I know Him. That means knowing Him every day. So often we don’t get to know Him better because we are too focused on doing instead of listening. Our mindset must be to realize Jesus in every set of circumstances we find ourselves in. That is the secret of Romans 8:29 … being conformed to His image, one revelation at at time.

This Wednesday’s Video Challenge
 005 – What Does Faith Require?