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Wake Up and Rest Series
A 5-Book study on the Bride of Christ every Christian should own. Use as a guidepost to a fruitful walk with our bridegroom as we prepare ourselves for our wedding day.
Available as a Free Download or a Paperback Copy Can Be Purchased on Amazon.
The Way of Enoch Series
An 8-Book series on how to walk with God everyday in a modern world.
Available as a Free Download or a Paperback Copy Can Be Purchased on Amazon.

The Path to Spiritual Maturity
The journey for each of us is totally different as we are uniquely and wonderfully made. There are, however, many common truths in His Word that will help us along the way by challenging our minds and hearts.
The days ahead for the world are going to get harder and harder, but Jesus has provided provision and protection from the storm for His bride if she will submit to Him and abide with Him in the Holiest Place.
That is what Romans 8:28-29 are all about. In the following pages we take a look at becoming more like Jesus from a number of perspectives, all of which point to our being conformed into the image of Jesus.
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You’re In But Are You Of?
Facing the Challenge of False Teaching and False Doctrines
Our challenge is to allow the Holy Spirit to move us on from the cross along the path to spiritual maturity; to moveus from just being IN Christ to becoming OF Christ.
We can’t be satisfied with just being saved. There is a whole lifetime of growth that God has planned for us as we slowly become transformed into His image; His character. He has given us all of Himself and our life’s purpose here on earth is to work with the Holy spirit to begin cleansing our wedding dress of all the spots and blemishes the world has brought us.
So, let’s start there with Peter as he opens his letter by addressing it to those who have attained a faith of equal standing to his by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ … to us, His bride.