Having just lived through a personal revival that impacted all of Judah, king Hezekiah found himself facing Sennacherib and the Assyrian army that was bent on taking Jerusalem (2 Chron 32). Isn’t that what happens to us right after we experience a personal revival? The enemy immediately comes, bent on stealing away what God has given us. That is when we need to be just like Hezekiah and dig deep.
Hezekiah knew that water was going to be critical for Jerusalem but also was also critical for Sennacherib. So, he covered up the wells outside the city and dug a tunnel through solid rock from the Pool of Siloam inside the city walls to the spring of Gihon; 1,777 feet long and 30 feet underground. He not only preserved the water supply for Jerusalem but he cut off the supply needed by the Assyrian army. Man can live a long time without food but only a few days without water, and that fact holds true for the Word of God.
Water in the Bible refers to both the written Word (Eph 5:26) and to Jesus, the Living Word (John 7:37). The question facing us during those times when the enemy shows up with plans to attack us is how deep are we willing to dig? How much hard rock and how many obstacles are we willing to tunnel through to fill our soul with both the written and living Word of God to quench our thirsty soul?
This is where many of the bride of Christ fail. They look at the challenge facing them and either they try to do the best they can in their own efforts or they just “hope” God will deliver them. What they need to do is take hold of their “pick” like Hezekiah and begin digging a tunnel to the spring of Living Water. This is not the time to sit back within the walls of your “city” and say, “well, it’s in God’s hands.”
Yes, we are to trust in God and in His deliverance from the enemy. But that does not mean we are to leave our pick in the tool shed. The answer is to do all that we know to do, “knowing” that all the while it is in God’s hands. He will help us tunnel through the obstacles in our way so we can be filled with His Word; His Living Water. And how do we accomplish that? By ensuring that we have a continual supply of Living Water, delivered by the Holy Spirit through the tunnel we dig deeply into His Word.
Are you facing an attack by the enemy? Do you feel surrounded and your soul is thirsty? Rather than just throwing up a prayer of hope and leaving the battle in God’s hands, maybe you need to first ask a question… How’s Your Tunnel Coming Along?How.