Come & Believe
Do You Know That You Will Live Forever?
2500 years before the birth of Christ and 2100 years before the first recorded crucifixion, the Chinese language gave us The Ancient Chinese Secret Of How To Live Forever
Believe in God and the Sacrifice He Made for You.
LAI XIN: Come and Believe

The first character depicted the cross …

Next a man is placed on the cross … a great man dying.

Two Men
Next, two men are crucified along side of this great man. This full character depicts a great man dying on a cross; Jesus. Two men are crucified alongside of him. One man rejected him (Luke 23:39) and one man believed Him (Luke 23:40-42). This Chinese character is Lai, which means … COME

The second character begins with a man’s mouth and his word rising out from it.

Man’s Word
The second part of this character represents a man standing by his word – the Chinese character is Xin, which means … BELIEVE

Lai Xin
When these two characters are taken together they represent COME and BELIEVE. The circle around them represents eternity. 2500 years before the birth of Jesus the Chinese language clearly stated the Gospel story and depicted the only road to eternal life … Jesus.
COME to Jesus and BELIEVE that He died for your sins, that you might have eternal life. Here we are, some 4,500 years later and His Word is still true …
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16)