Category: Uncategorized
Lost Your Edge?
In 2 Kings we’re told of a time when the young prophets Elisha was teaching desired to build a bigger house because they were expanding in number. They asked Elisha to accompany them to Jordan to cut down timber to build with, and in the process an incident took place that holds something for us.… Read more
The Sound Of Silence
When Solomon built the temple it took a massive amount of labor and material. Unlike the simple tabernacle, the temple was an extremely complex project. We can only imagine the manpower involved. He sent 30,000 men to Lebanon in 10,000 man one month shifts to cut the lumber, there were another 70,000 that carried material,… Read more
Shamgar Who?
It seems like it’s our very nature, our human need, to find heroes. We look for them in many different places and often the ones we find wind up not being so heroic after all. And then there are those who don’t look much like heroes that turn out to do the most heroic deeds.… Read more
Wake Up And Rest – It’s Here!
This morning we finally finished up all the loose ends and the release of the Wake Up And Rest series is finally here. In addition, the new and friendlier version of is now live. You will be able to view it on your PC, Laptop, Tablet or Smart Phone as it automatically adjusts to your screen… Read more
The Beauty Of Thinking Of Others
This will simply warm your heart and bring a tear of two… enjoy! Read more
What Does It Mean To Be A Veteran?
This morning I was honored along with Vets from WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan by Johnson Elementary School here in Fort Collins. What a wonderful tribute was paid and my thanks and appreciation to the Principal and all the teachers and students. When all those little voices repeated the Pledge (yes, Under God,… Read more
I’m Known
Once again I find the Lord is talking to me through music. It is something He used to do in years past and I have missed those messages. And while I’m at this point let me share something I learned along the way. God has given us an imagination and He uses it to talk… Read more
The Lazarus Effect
There you stand… with God’s call on your life, or His direction, or His promise of a miracle. Just as the manifestation begins to emerge. Just as it begins to look like God’s power is moving in your life… BAM! Here come the religious… here come the doubters… here come the evil doers. Just to… Read more
When God Changes Our Job Assignment
When we are born again, when the Holy Spirit brings us into the family of God we begin the greatest adventure of all times. We may only be a child age-wise or we may be a full-grown adult with children of our own; nevertheless God has a plan and a purpose for our life that begins… Read more