Category: Uncategorized
In Over Your Head?
First it was ankle deep, then knee deep, then up to his waist, and at last it was over his head and he couldn’t touch the bottom. It was a pretty revealing experience for Ezekiel as God led him into the river that was flowing out of the Temple. And so it is in the river… Read more
The Wall
As I sat there this morning watching the sun rise up over the mountains I had everything to be thankful for and yet I was just plain numb. It seemed as if I was surrounded by a wall on all sides and there was a large part of me that just wanted to turn around… Read more
Serving Doesn’t Come First!
As David began to prepare Solomon to sit upon his throne and to become the wisest king in the history of Israel, he gave him the secret to all of his success. David reigned at times with great wisdom and at times with selfish desires, but there was something that he had that he knew… Read more
Been To Ziph Lately?
Hunted day and night by Saul, David found himself constantly seeking a place to hide. Always in fear of being killed, he and his 600 men finally found themselves holed up in a cave. 1 Sam 23:13-14(a) Then David and his men, who were about six hundred, arose and departed from Keilah, and they went wherever… Read more
How’s Your Tunnel Coming Along?
Having just lived through a personal revival that impacted all of Judah, king Hezekiah found himself facing Sennacherib and the Assyrian army that was bent on taking Jerusalem (2 Chron 32). Isn’t that what happens to us right after we experience a personal revival? The enemy immediately comes, bent on stealing away what God has… Read more
Lost Your Edge?
In 2 Kings we’re told of a time when the young prophets Elisha was teaching desired to build a bigger house because they were expanding in number. They asked Elisha to accompany them to Jordan to cut down timber to build with, and in the process an incident took place that holds something for us.… Read more
The Sound Of Silence
When Solomon built the temple it took a massive amount of labor and material. Unlike the simple tabernacle, the temple was an extremely complex project. We can only imagine the manpower involved. He sent 30,000 men to Lebanon in 10,000 man one month shifts to cut the lumber, there were another 70,000 that carried material,… Read more
Shamgar Who?
It seems like it’s our very nature, our human need, to find heroes. We look for them in many different places and often the ones we find wind up not being so heroic after all. And then there are those who don’t look much like heroes that turn out to do the most heroic deeds.… Read more
Wake Up And Rest – It’s Here!
This morning we finally finished up all the loose ends and the release of the Wake Up And Rest series is finally here. In addition, the new and friendlier version of is now live. You will be able to view it on your PC, Laptop, Tablet or Smart Phone as it automatically adjusts to your screen… Read more
The Beauty Of Thinking Of Others
This will simply warm your heart and bring a tear of two… enjoy! Read more