Category: Uncategorized
I was thinking about a verse that I have written about previously on a number of occasions and something hit me that, while I knew it, I never really thought about it. Eph 5:18 … but be filled with the Spirit I have always focused on the tense of the word “filled” (present continuous)… be being filled. We… Read more
A Lighthouse
As I’ve had a little more time to spend with the Lord while recovering from some minor surgery He has been sharing a lot with me out of the Book of Ezekiel. And Saturday morning He flashed a picture of a lighthouse across my mind as I was contemplating the reasons why God called his… Read more
I Don’t Know… But I Know
As our country faces a major junction in her history the majority of us are concerned about her future. As His bride our direction is to trust in Him and His plan for America’s repentance. We are called to stand on the front line and be the light on the hill that shows the way.… Read more
Everything Has Its Time
There is one section of scripture that everyone, believers and non-believers alike, have heard at one time or another. But the interpretation of those words by the two is as different as night and day. For the non-believer it’s “fate,” a life of wishes, fears, worry, anger, envy, and disappointment. For the believer it’s “faith,” a life of… Read more
I was going over my notes and thoughts on teaching Acts 13 this evening and I was struck by a profound truth that the Lord keeps bringing back to me. But this time He wrapped it two words… Saul/Paul. Acts 13:2 As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas… Read more
Providence is an interesting word. Read more
Diane and I have continued to work to keep ourselves debt free. Sometimes it seems like an endless task. Just when we get there, some unforeseen obligation comes up; sometimes it’s because we chose to incur it. But nevertheless, it seems that throughout our married life we have always owed something to someone. Well, I… Read more
Today, piercing is as common as a “cold.” It used to be that women only pierced their ears, but now it’s a different story. And it seems to me that something very important has been lost in the message that piercing delivers. Zech 12:10(a) … and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced.… Read more
Sacrifice… Do We Honor It?
As Americans, the majority of us honor those who have given their lives to ensure that we continue to enjoy the freedom we have been given. But deeper than that, those who have fought side-by-side have a much deeper appreciation of sacrifice. For them it is personal. The life that was given was to save… Read more