Category: Uncategorized

  • Beatitudes of Revelation

    Beatitudes of Revelation

    I have written and taught about John’s journey through the Book of Revelation many times over the years, and without failure I have learned something monumental each time. This past time I realized something that was not obvious as it is revealed throughout the entire book. Amongst all His judgements God has revealed seven incredible… Read more

  • A Two-way Street

    A Two-way Street

    As human beings we were created with the ability to communicate, and when we don’t, we become frustrated and tend to crawl into a shell. It is almost impossible for us to be with someone for an extended period without talking because there are so many things that we want to share with them; whether… Read more

  • Obedience


    It is not what we do that matters, but what a sovereign God chooses to do through us. God doesn’t want our success; He wants us. He doesn’t demand our achievements; He demands our obedience. Charles Colson Matthew 4:4 But Jesus told him, “No! For the Scriptures tell us that bread won’t feed men’s souls:… Read more

  • Winning Into Freedom

    Winning Into Freedom

    If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. John 8:36  So, if there is any remnant of individual conceit left, it always says I can’t. Personality never says I can’t, it simply absorbs and absorbs. Personality always wants more and more. It is the way we are built. We are… Read more

  • Are You Performing?

    Are You Performing?

    How many of us are “performing” the Christian life? Is being a Christian a real experience for you? Has it changed your life-style? Have you made the wonderful discovery of supernatural life? Or have you felt something is missing from your Christian life? Do you know the joy and power of the Holy Spirit? Are… Read more

  • So As By Fire!

    So As By Fire!

    Our salvation is sure but do we want to be ushered into heaven yet so as by fire (1Co 3:15)? As His bride that cannot be an option for us. We cannot afford to stay locked up in our bedchamber while He knocks at our door, drawing us to come with Him into the harvest… Read more

  • A Two-Way Street

    A Two-Way Street

    Grace Is God Speaking To Us, Prayer Is Our Speaking To God. Recognizing that our cause is, and will be, combated by mighty, determined, and relentless forces, we will, trusting in him who is the Prince of Peace, meet argument with argument, misjudgment with patience, denunciations with kindness, and all our difficulties and dangers with… Read more

  • Great Costly Stones

    Great Costly Stones

    When Solomon built the temple, it took a massive amount of labor and material. He sent 30,000 men to Lebanon in 10,000-man one month shifts to cut the lumber, there were another 70,000 that carried material, and there were 80,000 just cutting the stones. On top of that it took another 33,000 to oversee the… Read more

  • The Word of God

    The Word of God

    The empire of Caesar is gone; the legions of Rome are smoldering in the dust; the avalanches that Napoleon hurled upon Europe have melted away; the prince of the Pharaohs is fallen; the pyramids they raised to be their tombs are sinking every day in the desert sands; Tyre is a rock for bleaching fisherman’s… Read more

  • Conviction


    Never discard a conviction. It it is important enough for the Spirit of God to have brought it to your mind, it is that thing He is detecting. You were looking for a great thing to give up. God is telling you of some tiny thing; but at the back of it there lies the… Read more