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One Stitch at a Time
Whether we like it or not, when we became betrothed to Jesus and committed to become His bride, we fully entered the battle for spiritual maturity. That is what walking out our salvation is all about. Like the Jewish bride in her betrothal, we are sewing our wedding dress as we work through our sanctification;… Read more
Dig Deep!
Having just lived through a personal revival that impacted all of Judah, king Hezekiah found himself facing Sennacherib and the Assyrian army that was bent on taking Jerusalem (2 Chron 32). Isn’t that what happens to us right after we experience a personal revival? The enemy immediately comes, bent on stealing away what God has… Read more
Live To Love
I woke up in the middle of the night and I heard a voice repeating the same thing repeatedly. It was a quiet but insistent voice and as I lay there waiting for something else it never came; just the same thing over and over. When I realized that the Lord was telling me something.… Read more
Lord Of All
I want to take a few moments and look at one of the most important aspects of our Walk With God; making Jesus Lord of All. Many come to Him seeking salvation but little realize that in so doing they, by definition, are agreeing to make Him Lord of All. By faith we receive Him… Read more
And Still It Burns
I was once again reading a book by M.R. DeHaan that he published in 1950; The Jew and Palestine in Prophecy in which he details at length the meaning and understanding of the Burning Bush. And as we look at Israel today his words become even clearer to us some seventy-five years later. “The burning… Read more
Our Shield of Faith
In reviewing some notes that I had jotted down a long time ago I was once again struck by something that Pastor Eugene Peterson wrote that hit home again: “There are people who do not want us to be free. They don’t want us to be free before God, accepted just as we are by… Read more
Hagiazo – It Comes at a Cost
1 Thess 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly … Rom 8:29 As you all know, our ministry is focused on the command we have been given to live the life of Christ we have been given; being conformed into His image. Yes, in God’s eyes it is a finished process; sanctified… Read more
Quench Not
1 Thess 5:19 Quench not the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is often portrayed as fire and it is interesting that Paul used the word “quench” in this verse. To quench in the Greek is abennumi; to extinguish or go out. In contrast, look how Paul gave direction to Timothy: 2 Tim 1:6 I put thee… Read more
Time Well Spent
One of the most beautiful parts of Solomon’s Song is the bride’s realization that it is not about who she is, what she has done, or what she’s been through. It’s all about her relationship with Solomon. She wants him to draw her near and he is continually calling her to grow close. The problem… Read more
What Is His Call?
I have been asked many times … what is the call of God? I have always referred to a short piece by Oswald Chambers that clears up the confusion of thinking it means called to do something for the Lord. The call of God is not a call to any particular service; my interpretation of… Read more