Way of Enoch Series

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Your Life in Christ

Volume 1: Way of Enoch

Your Life in Christ is Volume 1 in the latest offering from Pastor Tom Mitchell—The Way of Enoch series. In this book Tom opens the series with some answers from the Word of God concerning who God is, what He does, and what does He require of us? He also explores what the Word has to say about who Jesus is, why He became one of us, and what are we to do about Him as we discover who He is in us. The Way of Enoch series explores the foundation and sound scriptural doctrine that underlies God’s plan for our lives through a journey that begins with learning who God really is and culminates in discovering how we are to walk out a loving and obedient relationship with our bridegroom.

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The Spirit-Filled Christian

Volume 2: Way of Enoch

The Spirit-Filled Christian is Volume 2 in the The Way of Enoch series. In this book Tom opens up the Word of God to discover the answers to who the Spirit of God is, what’s His nature, why is He here, and many other questions concerning the Third Person of the Trinity. Tom explores what the Holy Spirit means to us and just how His gifts and fruit can impact our life if we understand just what our responsibilities are. The Way of Enoch series explores the foundation and sound scriptural doctrine that underlies God’s plan for our lives through a journey that begins with learning who God really is and culminates in discovering how we are to walk out a loving and obedient relationship with our bridegroom.

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The Foundations of Faith

Volume 3: Way of Enoch

The Foundations of Faith is Volume 3 in the The Way of Enoch series. In this book Tom explores what the Word of God has to say concerning Faith; what it is, what it does, how it’s tested, all that it promises, and what is required of us to walk in Faith. The Way of Enoch series explores the foundation and sound scriptural doctrine that underlies God’s plan for our lives through a journey that begins with learning who God really is and culminates in discovering how we are to walk out a loving and obedient relationship with our bridegroom.

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The Word of God

Volume 4: Way of Enoch

The Word of God is Volume 4 in the The Way of Enoch series. In this book Tom opens up the Word of God to find the answers to many questions facing the bride of Christ today. Tom explores the 7 editions of God’s Word and its foundation as well as how it operates, its benefits, and our responsibility in relation to what it says. The Way of Enoch series explores the foundation and sound scriptural doctrine that underlies God’s plan for our lives through a journey that begins with learning who God really is and culminates in discovering how we are to walk out a loving and obedient relationship with our bridegroom.

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The Principles of Prayer

Volume 5: Way of Enoch

The Principles of Prayer is Volume 5 in the The Way of Enoch series. In this book Tom opens up the Word of God to find the answers to many questions facing the bride of Christ today. Tom explores the two-way street, the conditions to successful prayer, the types of prayer and who and what do we pray for. The Way of Enoch series explores the foundation and sound scriptural doctrine that underlies God’s plan for our lives through a journey that begins with learning who God really is and culminates in discovering how we are to walk out a loving and obedient relationship with our bridegroom.

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The Authority of the Bride of Christ

Volume 6: Way of Enoch

The Authority of the Bride of Christ is Volume 6 in the The Way of Enoch series. In this book Tom opens up the Word of God to find the answers to many questions facing the bride of Christ today. Tom explores what spiritual authority is, who our enemy is, the weapons of our warfare, how do we exercise our authority, and what is our responsibility. The Way of Enoch series explores the foundation and sound scriptural doctrine that underlies God’s plan for our lives through a journey that begins with learning who God really is and culminates in discovering how we are to walk out a loving and obedient relationship with our bridegroom.

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Walk the Walk

Volume 7: Way of Enoch

Walk the Walk is Volume 7 in the The Way of Enoch series. In this book Tom opens up the Word of God to find the answers to many questions facing the bride of Christ today. Tom examines how to find the will of God, guidelines to follow, and the importance of fellowship and harmony as we walk through this world with Jesus. The Way of Enoch series explores the foundation and sound scriptural doctrine that underlies God’s plan for our lives through a journey that begins with learning who God really is and culminates in discovering how we are to walk out a loving and obedient relationship with our bridegroom.

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The Obedient Lifestyle

Volume 8: Way of Enoch

The Obedient Lifestyle is the eighth and final Volume in the The Way of Enoch series. In this book Tom takes a look at how we are to live an obedient lifestyle according to the Word of God. In discovering what obedience in our walk entails he takes a close look at purity and integrity as the key elements in understanding how we are to live in obedience to our bridegroom. The Way of Enoch series explores the foundation and sound scriptural doctrine that underlies God’s plan for our lives through a journey that begins with learning who God really is and culminates in discovering how we are to walk out a loving and obedient relationship with our bridegroom.

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