One Stitch at a Time
Whether we like it or not, when we became betrothed to Jesus and committed to become His bride, we fully entered the battle for spiritual maturity. That is…
4 min read
Dig Deep!
Having just lived through a personal revival that impacted all of Judah, king Hezekiah found himself facing Sennacherib and the Assyrian army that was bent on taking Jerusalem…
4 min read
Live To Love
I woke up in the middle of the night and I heard a voice repeating the same thing repeatedly. It was a quiet but insistent voice and as…
4 min read
Lord Of All
I want to take a few moments and look at one of the most important aspects of our Walk With God; making Jesus Lord of All. Many come…
4 min read
And Still It Burns
I was once again reading a book by M.R. DeHaan that he published in 1950; The Jew and Palestine in Prophecy in which he details at length the…
4 min read
Our Shield of Faith
In reviewing some notes that I had jotted down a long time ago I was once again struck by something that Pastor Eugene Peterson wrote that hit home…
4 min read