A Solid Foundation

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Belief is truth held in the mind; faith is fire in the heart.
Joseph Fort Newton

As the bride of Christ, it is incumbent upon each one of us to not only know the ground that we stand on, we need to firmly stand on it moment-by-moment. Faith is the cornerstone upon which Christ built His church, and it is the key to the advancement of His Kingdom. Without a strong faith we are potential pawns in the hands of the enemy in the world around us.

The Lord reminded me recently that our foundation never gets finished being laid. I thought about that as I have always believed that when my foundation was set, I would begin building up from there. Not so. He is the One who does the building on top of our foundation. For us, our foundation is an ongoing project as He will continually reveal to us the cracks that need to be attended to so that when He builds upon it, it will stand the stress. And the key to a solid foundation is faith … The lifeblood of our Christian Walk.

Jesus has given us the faith that we need to believe, but He has left it up to us to not only exercise it but to understand it. We cannot possibly walk through our allotted time here on earth and accomplish what God has set before us without a full and complete understanding faith; the perfect faith He has set within us.  

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