Wake Up and Rest Series
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Wake Up and Rest: The Bride of Christ Sleeps at Her Own Peril
Book 1: Wake Up and Rest
This first book in the Wake Up and Rest Series is a call to those who have made their personal commitment to their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Wake Up and Rest is a guidepost to a fruitful walk with our bridegroom as we prepare ourselves for our wedding day.
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The Doorway to Rest: The Brides’ Invitation – Song of Solomon
Book 2: Wake Up and Rest
The second book in the Wake Up and Rest Series. When we consider Solomon’s Song we can easily see the relationship between Christ and His bride portrayed in many ways. This book is a detailed, verse by verse study of the Song of Solomon, revealing the true view of bride of Christ through His eyes and a life changing view of the bridegroom through the eyes of the bride as she opens The Doorway To Rest.
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The Pathway to Rest: The Brides’ Purpose (Hebrews)
Book 3: Wake Up and Rest
The third book in the Wake Up and Rest Series. As we looked at the message of the Song of Solomon we were given a clear picture of not only who our bridegroom is, but equally important how He sees us and how we should see Him. We turn to the book of Hebrews, where we learn through each verse what sewing our wedding dress means and how important it is for us to be ready and watching for His soon return as we move up the path to spiritual maturity.
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The Dangers to Rest: The Brides’ Warning (Revelation 2-3)
Book 4: Wake Up and Rest
The fourth book in the Wake Up and Rest Series. We have been inundated with not the shout of triumph but the incessant worldly scream of pending disaster. And sadly, the majority of the bride of Christ is not prepared for His return. We have allowed the world and its supreme ruler to distract us from the path the lies in front of us. A verse-by-verse study—The Dangers To Rest—of the book of Revelation 2-3 that not only deals with why He is coming back but what we, His bride, are supposed to be doing as we wait and watch.
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The Battle for Rest: The Brides’ Armor (Ephesians 6)
Book 5: Wake Up and Rest
The fifth and final book in the Wake Up and Rest Series. Spiritual warfare is a war between the forces of God and the forces of rebellion led by Satan. But sadly, many believing Christians aren’t aware of the fact that they are in a spiritual battle every day of their life. This verse-by-verse study of Ephesians 6 deals with the enemy, his strategies and his goals and most importantly the battle orders we have been given to ensure victory over those personal strongholds.
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